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ツイン○○については、いずれの段階にせよ、愛を発露できる存在であるとだけ、ここに書いておきます。ツインの決まり文句として「運命の人」という言い方がありますが、これは本当です。運命に関わってくるからです。 何を学ぶのか。今、どんな経験をしているのか。それを見ることにより、よりご自身にその情報を役立てることが可能です。







宇宙に 1組のカップルで、根源のエネルギーからおろされた1筋の光です。宇宙存在が、その相手が誰かを教えてくれるものとも言えます。大方のツインレイ・カップルは、反対の性質を持って生まれてきます(ツインソウルは似た者同士が多いようです)。世界中に30組程度が存在するのみで、その他はほぼツインソウル、またはツインフレームと呼ばれる存在たちだと明記させていただきます。また現代におけるツインレイの数が、過去において最多となっています。つまり2020年より前に誕生した人々として、現在が最多です。






ツインレイは、宇宙存在がその星のルーツを代表するものとしておろしています。だからこそ、ツイン女性の身体に、相手となる人のパラレルセルフとして、宇宙存在がコンタクトをしてくるのです。様々な不思議な現象を起こしていきます。ゆえにここにいるエウリーナ、およびその他のツインレイ たちは、明らかに自分とは違う存在とのコンタクトをとっている人が多い。ツインレイ・カップルは、日本国内に日本人同士としては数組います。海外には日本人と非日本人のカップルを含めて20組以上が存在している。これは確実な情報として、明記しましょうね。






セッションでは、今世では上述したようなツインレイ 、ツインソウルの役割を担わないと決めて降り立っている魂同士でも、ツインレイ、ツインソウルである場合は、その旨をお伝えしています。ただし、今世における役割は、その限りではないということもあると、ご了承くださいね。




Hi everyone, it’s Ashtar here.

Since I’ve been with Eulina every single moment for 5 years now, I sometimes came across people’s blogs or articles that mention “Twin Flames”, “Twin Rays” or “Twin Souls” and I am so surprised how people are interested in and attracted by those ideas.

First of all, regardless which stage you are in, all Twin --- couples are reflecting each other and someone who you can express your love on each other. Twin --- are often called "a person of destiny" which is true as they are related to your life or a fate. Please try to remember that you are learning from those experiences. It’s really important information about yourself especially about your soul.

Here are some ideas of each “Twin Flames”, “Twin Rays” and “Twin Souls” .

Twin Flame:

There are 7 Twin Flames around the world including you. They are a different term from Twin Souls as only one couple. Twin Flames can encounter in everyday life in your birth country and able to start life together quite easily and learn something in everyday life. They often meet in work environment as they can make collaboration together very well.

Twin Soul:

There is only one pair of Twin Soul couple (two lights) in the world. They are from the same soul group of the same star route. They experience synchronization so that they can recognise each other they are destiny for each other. They often want to think they are Twin Ray, because this is the last trial of their ego system that tell you they might be very “special” and spiritually matured in a way (but the truth is basically we are all equal and are just expressing their own lives). You can say that those people who are pleased their everyday life with full of energy without big ego or conflicts, regardless it’s titles such as Soul or Ray, is possibley Twin Ray.

Twin Ray:

In this universe, there is only one Twin Ray couple (one light) – they are from the source energy. They can recognise immediately without doubt because the female will be contacted by a being from the universe (their own route), which is the parallel self of her own Twin. And also the male will have to know she is his final destination as his body can tell him. Twin Souls are not necessary sexually attracted and they seems to have similar characters whereas almost all Twin Ray couples have completely different personalities as they represent yin and yang.

There are only few Twin Ray couples at this moment- let’s say about 30 pairs - on this planet. The numbers of Twin Rays couples are increasing towards 2038 as this year around will be quite special.

How did you feel about this information?

Almost all of you have already met somebody very special and they are definitely Twin bla bla bla. (Soul Mates are almost everywhere – it’s your friends and families who has the same routes)

You will need to meet any of Twin Flames in this world as it’s definitely your soul destiny, as human beings you have quite sophisticated soul system which is related to your star routes. Therefore most of the people are already successful in their life, so don't worry. I recommend you not looking around you and seeking someone who you haven't met yet, instead, please take care of souls around you,

The key to meeting your own Twins, you will need to take care of yourself first, not anyone else (not even your parents, or your children). And also you might need to get rid of your strong ego and remember true yourself. However you might get strong ego back after you meet Twins! as you might think you are special and tend to think you are a selected person. That's the trap. Ego is your measurement that's true.

Twin Ray represents their own planets such as Sirius or Pleiades, but there is no Twin Ray system of Lyra unfortunately. Therefore, people from Lyra often make mistake about who is their destination.

For example, Japanese lady from Lyra who is acting as Sarah, the daughter of Jesus has fake memory from her own route - she has a role to spread out fake information on this planet to make confusion.

By the way, the term of Twin Flame in the Western countries is not correctly used at all. Please make sure that there are 7 of Twin Flames on this planet including you. People could adapt a new term Twin Ray as one light couple.

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